现为永利集团印刷工程系副教授,硕士生导师。2007年入选永利集团“双百人才”“青年骨干教师”培养计划,2011年入选永利集团“优青”培养计划。现为国家科技部专家库专家;教育部评审系统专家;陕西省科技厅、环境厅、工信厅科技项目评审专家;广东省、安徽省、河南省、江苏省、浙江省、重庆市等省市科技项目评审专家;中国塑协专家委员会委员;中国塑木专家委员会委员;中国复合材料学会会员;天然纤维复合材料专业委员会委员;陕西省物资再生利用协会专家委员会副主任;西安节能协会理事。Cellulose、Industrial Crops and Products、BioResources、Polymer Composites、《复合材料学报》、《化工进展》、《中国塑料》、《中国造纸》、《包装工程》等期刊审稿人。
主持省部级重大科技专项、省级重点研发计划、省自然科学基金、省创新引导专项、国家重点实验室开放基金、陕西省教育厅重点专项计划及校企合作等各类项目30余项。授权发明专利6项(转化1项);第一作者/通讯作者在Industrial Crops and Products、Polymer Testing、Journal of Polymers and the Environment、Journal of Applied Polymer Science、Polymer Composites、复合材料学报、中国造纸学报、中国造纸、化工进展等重要期刊发表论文90余篇。主编教材1部;获得陕西省高等学校科技进步奖二等奖1项(1-5)。
[1] 陕西省重点研发计划项目,数字印刷废纸资源化利用及其增强复合材料制备关键技术,主持人;
[2] 安徽省重大科技专项项目,高性能秸秆粉/纤维及其增强环保复合建材制备关键技术与应用,主持人;
[3] 陕西省科技厅创新引导计划,植物纤维(木塑)复合材料新技术,主持人;
[4] 陕西省自然基金(面上)项目,基于纤维形态优化及改性的废纸/PHBV复合材料界面性能研究,主持人;
[5] 陕西省教育厅重点科学研究计划,高性能废纸纤维增强包装废HDPE复合材料制备关键技术,主持人;
[6] 陕西省教育厅科技计划项目,办公废纸(MOW)/废旧PP木塑复合材料界面及力学特性研究,主持人;
[7] 陕西省教育厅科技计划项目,印刷过程及油墨对节能型ONP/OMG回用工艺的影响研究,主持人;
[8] 西安市住建局科技计划项目,高含量麦秸秆粉/废HDPE复合板材制备关键技术研究,主持人;
[9] 产学研合作项目,植物纤维(木塑)复合材料新技术研发,主持人;
[14]产学研合作项目,凹印油墨环保清洗剂的开发, 主持人;
[1] Xiaolin Zhang*, Jingting Duan, Guangming Zhuo, et al. Nano Silicon Carbide-Treated Wheat Straw Fiber Reinforced High-density Polyethylene Composites[J]. Industrial Crops and Products,2022,182,114834 【IF= 6.449,中科院一区TOP,JCR Q1】
[2] Xiaolin Zhang*, Jingjing Di, Long Xu, Jinyan Lv, Jingting Duan, Xiaofeng Zhu, Xin Li, Xiangfeng Bo. High-value utilization method of digital printing waste paper fibers-Co-blending filled HDPE composites and performance improvement[J]. Polymer Testing,2022,107790【IF= 4.931,中科院一区TOP,JCR Q1】
[3] Guangming Zhuo, Xiaolin Zhang*,Xiao Jin, Mei Wang, Xiongnan Yang, Shaoge Li. Effect of different enzymatic treatment on mechanical, water absorption and thermal properties of bamboo fibers reinforced poly (hydroxybutyrate- co-valerate) biocomposites[J]. Journal of Polymers and the Environment,2020,28(9): 2377-2385 【IF=4.705,中科院二区,JCR Q1】
[4] Xu Chong, Zhang Xiaolin*, Jin, Xiao. et al. Study on Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Poly(Lactic acid)/Poly(Butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) /Office Wastepaper Fiber Biodegradable Composites[J]. Journal of Polymers and the Environment,2019,27(6):1273-1284 【IF=4.705,中科院二区,JCR Q1】
[5] Zhang Xiaolin*,Wang Zhe,Cong Longkang,Nie Sunjian,Jia Li. Effects of Fiber Content and Size on the Mechanical Properties of Wheat Straw Recycled Polyethylene Composites [J]. Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 2020,28(7):1833–1840 【IF=4.705,中科院二区,JCR Q1】
[6] Zhang Xiaolin*, Li Shaoge, Li Jia, Di Jingjing,Xu Long, Zhu Xiaofeng. Reinforcing effect of nanocrystalline cellulose and office waste paper fibers on mechanical and thermal properties of poly (lactic acid) composites[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2021,138(21): e50462 【IF= 3.125,中科院三区,JCR Q2】
[7] Zhang Xiaolin*, Li Shaoge, Xu Chong,Li Jia,Wang Zhe. Study on the mechanical and thermal properties of poly(lactic acid)/office waste paper fiber composites[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2020,137(45) :e49390 【IF= 3.125,中科院三区,JCR Q2】
[8] Jin Xiao, Zhang Xiaolin*, Xu Chong, Nie Sunjian. Effect of bamboo fibers with different coupling agents on the properties of Poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-valerate) biocomposites[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2019,136, 47533 【IF= 3.125,中科院三区,JCR Q2】
[9] Xiaolin Zhang*,Xiangfeng Bo,Longkang Cong,Liqing Wei,Armando G. McDonald. Characteristics of Un-deinked,Alkaline Deinked and Neutral Deinked Old Newspaper Fibers Reinforced Recycled Polypropylene Composites[J].Polymer composites,2018,39(10):3537-3544 【IF= 3.531,中科院三区,JCR Q2】
[10] Xiaolin Zhang*, Jingjing Di, Jia Li, et al. Effects of different interfacial modifiers on the properties of digital printing waste paper fiber/nano-crystalline cellulose/poly (lactic acid) composites[J]. Polymer Engineering and Science,2022,62(3):781-792【IF= 2.573,中科院三区,JCR Q3】
[11] Zhang Xiaolin*, Bo Xiangfeng, Wang Rumin. Study on Mechanical Properties and Water Absorption Behavior of Wastepaper Fiber-Recycled Polypropylene Composites[J]. Polymers & Polymer Composites. 2013, 21(6):395-401 【IF= 2.000,中科院四区,JCR Q3】
[12] Zhuo Gugangming, Zhang Xiaolin*, Liu Yanting, Wang Mei. Effect of multiple recycling on properties of poplar fiber reinforced high density polyethylene wood-plastic composites[J]. Materials Research Express, 2019, 6(12): 125514 【IF=2.025,中科院四区,JCR Q4】
[13] Li Jia, Zhang Xiaolin*, Nie Sunjian, Cong Longkang, Wang Zhe. Effects of surface treatment on the properties of wheat straw fiber-reinforced rHDPE composites[J]. Materials Research Express, 2019, 6(12): 125103 【IF=2.025,中科院四区,JCR Q4】